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OSCE organizes a series of Trainings of Trainers for government employees on domestic violence prevention and case management

Between August and December 2024, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, in collaboration with the Committee for Women and Family Affairs (CWFA) of the Government of Tajikistan, conducted a series of three-day training sessions for trainers throughout the country. A total of 231 government employees took part, including 185 women and 46 men. These individuals work in institutions engaged in the prevention of and response to domestic violence at both central and local levels. Participants included representatives from various agencies, such as the CWFA, the Commission for the Rights of Children, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population. They came from ten cities and districts, including Dushanbe, Khatlon, Sughd, and the Districts of Republican Subordination.

The training addressed a wide range of topics related to gender equality, the responsibilities of institutions in implementing relevant legislation, procedural actions, best practices for organizational coordination and collaboration, victim referral and support, victim-centered approaches, and strategies for raising awareness. The goal of the training was to prepare national trainers from the relevant government institutions to conduct awareness-raising sessions on preventing domestic violence and effectively managing domestic violence cases.

This initiative aligns with Tajikistan's commitments under OSCE guidelines aimed at preventing and combating violence against women, including domestic violence.

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